Issue #1: Monorepos, Test-Doubles, Jest Mocks
Technical Summaries, Useful Links, Personal News, Weekly Video
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Technical Summaries
Monorepo is a repository configuration to avoid having multiple repositories for your project. If you have multiple packages or components that depend on each other, they usually have similar scripts, commands, and dependencies, then having a single repository with everything will reduce the number of duplications, and make it easy to access and update different modules and publish different versions at once. It will dramatically increase your team's productivity.
Here is a quick summary of what needs to be done to allow Monorepos for a Javascript/Typescript project and can work with Nodejs too:
Package Management: Enable npm workspaces mode by setting the main package.json file `
private: true
` and adding the `workspaces
` to an array of available packages. You can use a wildcard `packages/*
` to apply for all.Typescript: We need to create three tsconfig files; one which will be the main tsconfig file with all needed configs, the second one to import these configs inside each project and a third one is used to reference and build all projects with a single `
tsc --build
`. First, create the tsconfig at the top level, and then inside each project use the property `extends
` and then pass a reference to the main JSON file with the full typescript configs needed. The build tsconfig file would be a separate file that has two properties; the property `references
` set to point to every project and `files: []
` which is an empty array to avoid building the project twice.Babel: You can create a main
file and then reference it inside each projects’.babelrc
with the property `extends: <path>
`ESLint: Same like Babel we create `
` file but on the root directory as IDEs tend to prefer them on the root to enforce the rules and then for each project you can create an internal config `.eslintrc
` file and use the `extend
` property.Lerna: It provides good tooling for Monorepos like running a certain command across all repositories, and linking between packages
Scripty: Tool to manage scripts inside package.json and unify all of them in shell file instead of having a long command in package.json file.
commitlint: In a Monorepo where many teams work together, it’s a great idea to unify how commits are made and their format and also supports automatic changelog. Using Lerna with commitlint and husky will do the required things and setup is very easy. Follow this link.
Test Doubles
We know tests contain E2E, Integration, and Unit tests. We use test doubles when we have indirect inputs (like queries), indirect outputs (like sending events to events stream or when you call API), or slow tests (when you call the server or the database or over the network). These mocks can have different types:
Mocks: This is an object that you record what you do to it and record data and you can verify what has been done to the mock object. It’s more for testing behaviors.
Stubs: Are simple and they provide indirect inputs for the system. It’s more for testing the state. Stubs never fail a test but mocks can (like out of order process). You assert against mocks but not against Stubs.
Spies: They have a Call log, a Response list, and State Access. They are stubs but with a call log and they intercept real pieces of code.
Dummies: Just values holder
Fakes: replace real implementation with a fake implementation to simulate situations or for making tests faster. They
Note: across the community, the naming might be different and not unified. It’s enough to get the idea about them and use the proper construct
Jest mocks
For unit tests instead of including a module that has long nested children that we don’t care about, you can use the `mock
` function to mock these internal libraries
jest.mock('../UserListContainer', () => () => 'UserListContainer');
Just make sure that the path is relative to the testing file and not the component
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