Issue #2: Git Rebase vs Merge, Software Release Cycle and Keycloak
Quick Update:
I am going to reduce the frequency of the newsletter to be bi-weekly every Thursday so you could receive it consistently and I would be able to commit to it.
Technical Summaries
Git Rebase vs Git merge
They are very similar when comes to adding commits from a branch into the current branch. But the difference is that when you merge, you add the source branch to the top of the current branch, but with rebase, you will add the current branch’s base on top of the source branch.
Merge will keep the history, but rebase will change it.
Merge will be good when collaborating with other developers so as not to break their local git histories but rebase is good to keep the git history clean.
But in my opinion, realistically rebase will always become annoying if you work in a multi-developer branch which is the most common case. And rebase’s value is not comparable to having a good developer experience.
If you are the sole developer for a branch or you still haven’t pushed your commits then it’s okay, otherwise, always use merge.
More Reading: When do you use git rebase instead of git merge
Software Release Life Cycle
By no means this is something official and should be taken with a grain of salt and every company have its own adapted process and some do all of these steps in a matter of days or even hours especially for web applications
Alpha: Planning, analysis, development, unit testing, quality testing, and value assurance. Still might be unstable and have serious bugs. Software is still inside the organization and it may not contain all features planned for the final release. The phase ends with a feature freeze when all is done and ready for thorough beta testing.
Beta: Can be available publically. Usability testing is done at this stage and more bugs are closed. Closing major bugs or blockers.
Release Candidate: All features are completed and no more features need to be added for the stable release. Documentation is done.
Stable Release: Production release and marks the latest release candidate as done.
Support: Includes patches and service packs for version maintenance, enhancements, and fixes
End-of-life: When it’s deprecated and no longer supported but might still be used by customers
More Reading: Software Release Life Cycle
A complete solution to manage user authentication and authorization and it’s very easy to customize. This is really good for apps that need quick prototyping and don’t have time to create such solutions and at the same time, they need their data to be away from using cloud authentication services on AWS or GCP.
The only reason you might not use it is if you want to stay away from Java or you don’t have Java experience. Otherwise, go for it!
More Reading: Keycloak Main Website
Weekly YouTube Video
Starting a new job, whether it’s the first one or switching companies, it’s always exciting at first but without preparation and having a target with a defined plan, you might find yourself searching for a new one sooner and trying to escape it.
We will discuss in this episode from "Skilled Engineer" a structured way to control and conquer your new job with less anxiety and they have helped me with my new position and it will surely help you too.