Issue#7: requestAnimationFrame, Web Streams and CEO-less Companies
Hey Friends,
The past two weeks were relaxing so far, most of my work colleagues took long vacations like most Germans. So, it’s going to be less stressful and it’s time to reflect on this year and plan for my goals for 2023 🚀
I have big plans for my career like getting into Machine Learning, Data Science, and Cyber Security, and my content creation to make more videos consistently on my YouTube channel.
Wish you all a good time and prepare your amazing 2023 goals 🎯
This week’s Summaries
It's part of the Web APIs and it runs a function depending on the refresh rate of the screen (60 Hz, 120 Hz or 144 Hz). For example for a screen with refresh rate of 120 Hz, it will run the method for 120 time in a second.
The question that comes in mind is what is the difference between it and setInterval. and is that setInterval runs a a function based on how many times you would like to run and it's inacurate. and if we have multiple setIntervals to do two animations, they will be out of sync and consume too much GPU power
But requestAnimationFrame will batch those requests and do them all at once depending on the frequency.
Another important related method is cancelAnimationFrame which is like removeEventListner and it's used to cancel an animation request when we want to stop animating when the DOM element is removed for example.
requestAnimationFrame callback will get the the current timestamp and a group of batched callbacks will get the same timesatamp. If you also subtract the previous timestamp and current you will get the time period which is the inverse of the screen frequency. This is important to make sure that your animation don't run faster than needed.
requestAnimationFrame() calls are paused in most browsers when running in background tabs or hidden <iframe>s in order to improve performance and battery life.
More reads:
Web Streams
Web streams are APIs that allow for the delivery of multiple values or parts of a larger value gradually over time. They can be used to improve the speed of content delivery by handling and processing data bit by bit, allowing for the rendering of some content before all of the data has been received. Streams offer benefits such as the ability to handle errors and support cancellation, as well as flow control, which allows the stream to react to the speed of the reader. The fetch API now includes support for streams, allowing developers to access the underlying stream of a response object and read it in a variety of formats.
Combining Streams API + Service Workers can yield almost same or even better performance than SSR as we can cache the App and then use Service workers to stream the content from the server and show it to the user.
Read more:
CEO-less Companies
Co-op companies, also known as cooperatives, are businesses that are owned and operated by a group of people who come together to meet a common need or goal. These types of companies are typically formed to provide goods or services to their members, who are also the owners of the business. Co-op companies are based on the principles of democracy, equality, and solidarity, and profits are typically distributed among the members rather than going to external shareholders.
Do you think the current dominant company model we have where a CEO holds most of the power is more like a dictatorship?